Sunday, February 28, 2010

Out with the old, In with the new!

Sunday, 12:26 PM
Somewhere in the world

i was jogging home from church when my friends pulled up beside me and opened their van door and told me to jump in... against all odds i jumped into a moving full-sized van on the run, literally... as i went to close the door my cell phones bead charm that i made got caught and broke spilling beads everywhere... i was mildly depressed after and felt like the world was going to end because my cute handmade charm broke...

Still Sunday, 7:26 PM
Somewhere in the universe but not necessarily restricted to earth...

I got home after watching the the finals in Olympics... i wanted to make a new charm... i got out the beads and this time i used fishing line instead of sewing thread for more durability... my design was to have a type shape with a red X in the middle... it was planned perfectly, i would put all the beads in order on a doubled up fishing line while trying not to poke myself with the needle i was using then i would backtrack and weave through all the beads to make my design go from a straight line of beads to a flag type charm... and thus began the grand quest to make yet another cute charm...

it was going perfectly until it came to weaving back through all the beads... i had tied the last bead too close and it was making everything tighter than it should be and pulling everything into a mess... i kept going while trying to compress the charm with my other hand so that it would work... it was again going well until i got to the end and had to let go... it scrunched together into what seemed like a mess and after three hours of untangling and weaving it seemed as if all hope was lost... then i looked closer at my charm that i lost hope in... it was forming a three dimensional charm that resembled somewhat of a ---\\\\--- shape... i had made what seems like a D.N.A strand.... i then became joyful and it made the struggle worth while... i tied it onto my phone in such a way that it is never meant to come off...

Sunday, 10:46 PM
you dont want to know,

i was done... i had a new cute charm that was more durable than the last and looked way cooler... one that i had struggled to make for three hours just so it would be something totally different than what i wanted or even planned, yet it turned out to be the best thing that could have happened...

Sunday, 11:44 PM
where you are right now,

I have pressed enter and sent this message out to the world, with hopes that it will reach you and encourage you to never give up even when things are going completely wrong. when plans fail and people turn away, when the things you planned start to fall apart, when the pain becomes to much to handle and you just feel like giving up, that even though it may look like it wont work out, God is up there saying "forget about your plan, my plan is so much better and it is way cooler! trust me and keep working for through me all things are possible.". keep up the good work even when it gets tough because there is a beautiful charm waiting up there for you when you finish up down here...

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