Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If I want to live then I have to be born.

I guess i could say that the title of this post means absolutely nothing but then i would be lying. What i may have been trying to get at was that EVERYONE starts somewhere, even Chuck Norris. Some of you may know that "speaking his name is punishable by death by roundhouse kick to the face", others may know him as a really cool guy that was in a few movies and owns a ranch. But no matter how you know him I think that some of you may have noticed that he is also what some youth today call a "Ginger".For those of you who dont know what that means, a "Ginger" is a human, characterized by pale skin, freckles and bright red hair. "Gingers" are generally considered to be inferior to their more melanin-rich brethren, and thus deservingly discriminated against. Well if anyone wants to call Chuck Norris a Ginger while he is around then be my guest. But doesn't this get you thinking?

Just as people in the past we too are born into this world with no control over when, where, who or why. we didn't have control over what our body will look like as it matures, things like height, hair color and eye color were already picked out in a sense. some may call this the collaboration of mom's cells and dad's cells, some may call it Gods will and some really dont care one way or another because we are here and that part of the road is long gone. To me, I lack the understanding and the knowledge to hold a decent conversation for more than an hour on the strict basis of just "skimming the top" of that topic. to put it in a more simple term, i dont know much about it but i know enough that i understand the basics.

When Chuck was in grade school I can imagine that he got teased by quite a few of his peers. I can also imagine that he did not think he would be a hero as well as one of the coolest people around. What if he had given into this theoretical pressure some call "depression"? Well there is a chance that none of us would know who he is today. Bummer right? Well its also a bummer that there are people doing that every day. From kids to adults, some people feel like life has nothing left or that it would be easier to end the pain then to go through it. Who knows, maybe if George Kindle had not killed himself there would be another "Chuck Norris" in this world. Now some of you may be thinking "Who is this George Kindle?" some guy may be reading this and be thinking "I didn't kill myself? Whats going on?". George Kindle is a name I pulled from my head so there is no need to worry.

I could go on through the night typing my thoughts out on this screen, but there is a chance that I may be working in about 4 hours, There is also School and a youth group waiting just around the turn of days. If you are one of those people, a George Kindle, then stick around. Not only because Chuck Norris is alive, but to prove to the jerks in life that you are stronger than them. Because you can look death in the face and walk away from it unharmed. Because you are the only you in this world and the world needs you.

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