Friday, February 26, 2010

At resolve from heart to mind to fingers to iPod to you.

What is it that we truly want in life? To date that special girl or guy, to be famous and earn tons of money? Maybe we just want a quiet calm life without many troubles. Recently I turned on my mind and ran a defrag for the first time and I found that I was to bogged up by life that I did not know what I want. I still don't know what I want lol! But it made me think that we can get so caught up in life and tomorrows problems yet we tend to overlook today and the issues that go with it. Sometimes it is nice to relax and think. Try it sometime‼

1 comment:

  1. I know what I "would" want... o.o come to think of that. But the chances are so slim that it's actually sometimes healthier to just handle it day by day... and you figure what you want out of that. I mean, c'mon... how many chances do I have to become a doc in Norway?xD Or better yet, a mountain rescue doc, huh? Gah, I've always been the happy go lucky kind XD go figure... I'll prolly end up a sales woman somewhere.
