Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Hey! watch me catch a snowflake on my tounge! OUCH! why the heck did hail fall in my eye?" D:

First off i would like to say i am sorry for not being on lately to check the oh so "abundant" amount of comments! things have been busy lately but i will make up for it by typing into the night when i should be sleeping for physiotherapy/school in the morning so here goes.

Tim: Hey Bob, how are you?
Bob: Pretty good, how about yourself Tim?
Tim: Great! thanks for asking.
Bob: Its what i do best Tim! so how can I help you?
Tim: Well you see Bob, as you already know today is sunday...
Bob: hmmm, i thought it was tuesday!
Tim: AHAHAHA! Good one! So you know how my Brother is getting married right?
Bob: Yes, why?
Tim: Well today we are going to be having lunch together as a family before my soon-to-be-sister-in-law goes back to Romania and we really want you to come since it will be our "last big meal together". One problem though...
Bob: Really? Is she allergic to seafood?
Tim: Nice, but it is going to be right after church, and Joe wants us at his place for Bible study with the rest of the guys. you know the thing that is planned every month?
Bob: Wow... I would really love to go but i dont want to ditch Joe at the same time... I need some time to think...
Tim: Alright no problem. Oh, one thing.
Bob: Yes?
Tim: We are about to leave, you have about 10 seconds.
Bob: Okay one moment!
Bob: Hey Joe! would it be alright if i skipped out on this meeting and we could have coffee later this week and review what i missed? Oh and when can i come to the church to clean up?
Joe: I really think you should come with us to bible study.
Tim: *nods at Bob as to ask if he was coming*
Bob: Alright....... (thinks to himself: WHY DO THINGS HAVE TO BE THIS HARD!!!)
Bob: *goes with Tim*
Joe: *calls Bob* Hey man... Im really disappointed with your decision today. We will have to talk about it later.
Bob: *pause* Alright..... (thinks to himself: If i went with Joe i would have missed this chance to spend time with my family and Tim would be angry with me, and i could not go with both not to mention that if i did not go with either of them they would both be angry and i would miss out and be sad... no matter what i picked it was a loosing battle. everyone wants me and if they cant have me then no body gets me... what should i do... what should i have done...

Sometimes people around us make a little version of Hell that we have to live through knowing that no matter what we do we will always lose and someone will be unhappy. sometimes it makes me want to tell everyone to back off for a moment, sometimes i do but everyone so far has answered to that with another attack of "NOW!"
little do they know that you are being torn apart limb by limb by your "friends". personally i like to make other happy, and i dont really care about my own happiness. it makes me happy when others are happy and not fighting or trying to have things "their way". when everyone can take a step back and look at someone else instead of themselfs and what they want. Sometimes... i wish everyone would take a chill pill...

Have you ever been in a place where you are forced to pick between friends or the people/things you love? have you ever been rushed to your own defeat by others?
what what were their responses to your choice?

People say all the time not to worry about things because it just slows you down or makes you a "worry-wart". even i have said things like that. but i Believe that there is a healthy amount of worry for everyone that varies person to person. ~End Transmit~

Part Two.
Many fall in battle,
All fall in mind.

if i had my own cast of people and a ton of cameras/money i would make at least 5 movies that i can picture in my head right now. thats right, i have full length movies in my head written, directed and memorized by me BUT i am 16. i have ideas that would chance the whole earth. ideas that would make interstellar communication possible and thrust us into the "space age". the communication idea would probably cost enough money to make Asia and North America go into debt (probably a huge exaggeration but it would be a lot) ideas that would turn the simple computer you are using or simple electronic device into something 500x faster. imagine pressing the power button on your computer one morning and it instantly loading everything and also asking you what you want in your tea/coffee BUT again, i am 16. i have no documented proof that i have an education above a elementary grad yet my intellect is above what my age is thought to know. i have been held down by the world because of a mistake and i passed the world. now it wants me to slow down and start over while it zooms by and causes me one heck of a hard time. well i say this... If there is any people who are high up in the education system beyond that of college, if you are willing to take a chance at the unlikely probability that a adolescent can revolutionize the WHOLE earth and the life of everyone on it, than lets talk sometime. a professional conversation between two individuals that are looking to better the lives of many.

"Many fall in battle, All fall in mind." to me it means that there are things in this world that we never would imagine, something like killing or rape can not be understood until it happens around or to you. these things can kill many, can break many and scar many and the difference of how those people have to mature and live is devastating. I am young, I have just scraped the surface of that universe and this is what i have become.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, haven't been here in a while. *actually read everything* When I usually had to chose between stuff, I chose the stuff that mattered most to me, without thinking about consequences. That's me, I always know what I want. And just how many people do you know from Romania, Matt?xD And was that convo like made up or?o.o And as for the movies, you just need time. Since you're so good at planing movies, then make a plan to get some money for them or sponsors. Toodles!
