Monday, February 15, 2010

A poem

every time i try to look at you i see a wall,
every time i try to lean on you i am reminded by that wall.
as i sit looking out over the lake i sit alone,
as i watch the sun set over the lake i watch its beauty alone.
when i brush the hair away from your eyes,
when i lay in the grass and stare at the sky's,
im alone and without you.
this pain i feel keeps me awake at night and makes me weak,
i start to slow and i fall asleep,
hearing the people on the bus speak.
they laugh and they gossip about the boy who sits there sleeping alone on the public transit, but i am dreaming of you so it does not matter. i wake up just before my stop an i signal the bus to stop. i get off trying to remember your face, your eyes your beauty, anything about you but i cant. i walk mindlessly through the street looking like i have yet to eat, i search for you everywhere. by the days end i sit down on my bed and i think about you, your kindness and your love so true only to be reminded that i am without you. i look into your eye's and you look into mine. i stoke your cheek and tell you i love you. then i rest on your shoulder only to be reminded by the cold wall that i am without you...

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