Saturday, February 13, 2010

Odd's and End's

Today, i felt like looking for another job. I currently work for a man at my church in snow removal. funny funny guy... but with the lack of snow, i am also at a lack of work, lack of money, lack of things to do. so my mom was trying to help me out by telling me how i should take my resume out to all the wondrous Janitorial companies and how i would be payed minimum wadge to clean a building. she says it is a lonely job but i can take my ipod with me and listen to music. it sounds like an outstanding idea, only i dont really have much time on my hands as it is. while i was getting this talk from my mother one of my friends sent me a message on facebook that had my last name as a greeting/try to get his attention to start a conversation type thing. the seemingly trivial 3 minutes i spent with my mom ended in me missing a chance to talk to my friend. we have not been able to talk much due to the buzz of life so any moment i get to talk with her is a moment well spent. this made me start to think of how we can get so involved with the mass of things that the seemingly unlikely occurrence of a desired thing could be overlooked or forgotten about in such a small fragment of what we call time...

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