Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Try Honesty

Catching the eyes if the middle-aged gas bar attendant, his imagination went wild. "what are the chances that if i really asked him something serious, he would reply with something amazing?" he thought, as he walked towards the gas bar's front door.

"Hey, hows it going?" He said in a relaxed manner. "Fairly good, Happy new year!" The man replied. "Heh' it is kinda turning out to be happy isnt it..." he replied as he walked through the doors with his head hung low. "oh well, such as life. i better just get my slushie and get out of here." he thought. As he walked to the counter there was a hold up. knowing that the total price of a large slushie is only 2.25, he looked at his handful of change. "four dollars huh?" he tossed it on the counter and calmly walked away saying "no gas, just a large slushie."

as he walked through the door he was greeted by the middle aged man once more. "have a nice night eh!" the man said in a canadian accent. "yea, you too." just as he passed the man, he turned and looked at the man as though he was lost and said, "hey.. i have a question.." "sure." the gas bar attendant replied as enthusiastic as possible. "what sort of advice do you have for life?" he asked while thinking it would get him absolutely nowhere. without hesitation, as if already prepared for this in a divine situation the man replied "Honesty. if anything will get you anywhere in life it is honesty. be honest with everyone even though it may hurt at the time, that way at the end of the day you are not looking behind your back. no one can hold stuff against you." he shook his head in disbelief and looked the man right in the eyes. "Honesty you say? thank you very much... have a good night sir."
"You too bud!" the man replied.

Honesty, huh? it was if he knew by looking at me that i was not being honest with everyone... honest with myself...

thank you...

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