Tuesday, January 3, 2012


How long do you remain caught up over love?
How far should you push your deepest feelings?
How hard should you try to hold onto what you had?

Do you think letting go is right?
If you let go, will you gain more in the end?
How do you know if its as true for them as it is for you?


Why do you seek answers to questions that can't be answered without them?

Surrounding yourself in a plethora of maybe, possibly, hopefully and lying to yourself.

Or maybe believing its for the better and living like it does not affect you until a day you magically meet again.

I really don't know. Maybe my voice in this should have remained unspoken from the start. Maybe its not right to still fight and scream about something you can't change. Does that make me a bad person?  Does being critical and serious in this situation make things better or worse?

I have asked random strangers for advice, wisdom, guidance from their hearts.  I have been told one magical thing... honesty.

Honestly, will it help?

well it can't hurt more than it does now...

can it?

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