Friday, January 13, 2012

Uhm, J.?

So, about your questions... Since your recent bit of closure, have they been answered? Let me know.


What on earth? What media inspired nonsense is this? Tell me you are not simply a dog chasing cars. Explain to me what has given you those scars :S

I did not know that you felt this way... but I certainly have wanted to say F*** the world, in true anger, but I guess don't mind so much having to live here, it will do, I suppose, til I go Home. So, I still think I don't know, so explain. I've never been more confused by a post.

Uhm, I think that's it.

1 comment:

  1. my questions had answer before they were spoken. morality is one definition of our being, and be it as that, it defines what is right and wrong to each of us an an individual. questions that are asked about how you should feel or react, cannot be answered by anyone but yourself. you can receive insight and wisdom on the matter, but for closure you must experience and life through the question's subject.
