Wednesday, June 16, 2010

some call it seeking attention. some call it a cry for help.

"- piece my heart make me bleed, i don't want to deal with your greed
you rip me apart and devour my happiness like its your treat
you lie, you feed, you destroy what i need
unseen by the world i lay in a puddle of my own blood
i pray that my last moments do not have to be spent alone, so cold
a puddle so deep, when will my dreams kiss me to sleep
fire your black arrow of hate, i don't mind
you cant hurt me more than this, all i seek now is eternal bliss
stab my back and watch me fall into your web of lies
i have only ever seen you, the one i could never despise
you gave me one last breath to feel the pain
your eyes laughing at me
your body suffocating me
your lies cutting me

fade away butterfly into the night sky. the one you seek is not far but near, it is, and was, always you my dear..."

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