Monday, October 3, 2011

Is this...

a bitter
poison apple
with a brittle
candy coating
bright red
to contrast the dark
and only the bravest
take a bite
and know how
too describe
the taste
and the apple
beneath the clear rouge
has flesh of black
so the light
reflects off it
blindingly bright

as we indulge in this apple, I hope you're doin alright. Yes, I realize I'm shouting at you from across this fairground as
these rides we're each on spin violently out of our control. I sometimes wonder if these particular rides will end
and we'll be able to meet in the middle of the fairground again, or that maybe you'd be willing to join her on our end
of the grounds. She and I, we might not be on the same ride, but I keep my eye on her. I wish you'd smile more on that
ride, though I can imagine you want off. Strange, I'm getting dizzy talking about it this way.

I'm out of shape, but the cyclone of thoughts is still stuck in my head. I'll get this right again
when I need to
She wont know unless you say so
I promise
I keep secrets.
Dont cry wolf, that boy got three tries, this villager only listens to one, and thats the reality of it.

I miss you
and our talks

I should mention I almost have a him.but thats on the dl.

wow. i'm talking in too many literal terms. OK

TO BED (Before spelling and grammar and punctuation and all writing rules fly completely out of my screned window)

... No, it cant be.


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