Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Water of the melon left to dry.

what is hard to see is under my tranquility.
im am like that of a well trained Thoroughbred,
i follow that at which my reigns are being told.

if you mount me, i carry you with ease,
if you push my sides i will run with you
and if you pull the reigns i will stop with you.
but when i am an animal none the less
so your language remains unclear to me.

a gentle tug in the direction you want me to go,
this is all i have ever asked for, and yet,
you have dismounted and slapped my rear
in that of an open field none the less.

is this where you want me to run away from you master?
after all we have been through are you pushing me away?

all i ask for is your direction.
should i stay or should i go?
if so, pull my reigns, tell me what you want openly,
or remove these reigns and saddle so that i may be free
and one day look back on you...
not in ill, but as the first human that was direct enough
to at least tell me what they want and feel...

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