Tuesday, March 8, 2011

here there and everywhere

how much more direct can i be.
countless times i have made it clear,
im asking you to speak to me
simply because you wont let me speak with you.

take into context my words, i wish to speak with you but it always ends to be one sided. even though you start a topic, your responses seem lifeless like it holds no value. my questions are answered bluntly without positive feedback leaving me feeling like our conversation really has no meaning.

know that i remember that you said we would not be able to chat much due to studies, but you never informed me of any changes in how you felt. you left me confused and shattered, running with broken knees when all i asked for was your hearts thought no matter how confusing it may be.

every bump in the road is a sign to take it slow and to be careful. so are you going to slow down or have you already taken a detour?

1 comment:

  1. breath, take a step and fall , take another step and it gets easier.. life give you things people don't understand but it make you grow and one day this person will look back and realize the hostility and apologize.. one day... i don't know who you are I stumbled across this.. also not quite sure how.. but things get better.. it helps to find a goal and run to it
