Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hiding Between Parked Cars...

Because it's safe there where no one can see you
and no one can drag you out and say
explain yourself! Why are you runnin?

studies prove that I am weak in this area

Sharing leads to the dragging out of skeletons
but more often
it leads to untieing thread that holds a wounded heart together.

Sewn so tightly inside, not an emotion may escape
and the few escapees are impossible to be described


I don't understand this at all. I do not intend to push you away
but maybe I'm not pulling you close as you like?
I dont know how to deal with... with... THIS.

relationships... what are those now? well? what are they? and no I don't mean dating I mean friendships too. I mean, why is it that I cannot face up to the ones I love the most?!

I beg your forgiveness
I beg you to see that our forbidden was not to be. We agreed that we would hand over the reigns of our hearts to be lead in the directions each were meant to to go.

One day, when I learn how to be a friend, we shall talk again. But here I am friendless in a world of friends and nothing could be truer.

Well, the result of reading the past two messages is what you have read. I'm sorry for the disorganized-ness but this is how my thoughts pour out.

I miss you.

One day we will run side by side, look over at each other with that little twinkle of memory in our eyes and never stop being friends.

Okay, I'm really done now. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

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