Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I lie awake, reading, tired...

Awake. Somewhat. Confused. Very. And once again my feelings and emotions and thougths all go into over drive. So mixed up and confused and in the end its just numb... spinning and spinning until a random thought is thrown out, then back to the numb...

Maybe the missing piece you thought it was is really a part of another puzzle... or maybe it doesn't quite fit into the one you have yet.

Like that, a thought spun out and now numb. Poetry falling to pieces before the brain can send the signal to my fingers, so you have this. Written once and not read again until it is where every eye could see.

Chin up and look at those stars and know I see them all the same. Good evening Orion, but I look forward to seeing the Summer Cross on the basketball court, reflected in the calm lake.

With that I'm numb again. There's safety in being numb. You feel no pain, but you feel no love or anything else for that matter.

Sleep is clawing at my eyelids. I guess its time to sleep... sleep drunken words these are... tired, careless lips, or at least, fingers...


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