Friday, August 2, 2013

J. Never Had A Name For You

Ella again:

I hate how people change. Goodness knows we all need to change or else how dull would life be? But there are some people I could still be the best of friends with, still see every single day of my life but they have changed so very much that I actually miss them, like they'd gone somewhere far, far away. 

It takes so much for me to realize that how they were, how they are now and how they will eventually be are all THEM. It all counts towards who they are. And you know what....

... that bites.... really really does. 

Accept. Exist. Move forward. Change. Accept... the cycle goes on. 

A 02:00 Call and tears that aren't swept away by your hand but by your strangely soothing voice has uncorked the bottled up thoughts, and though this message is brief, it is so heavy for me right now. 

J. and J.'s friend: my gosh, I miss you both!!

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