Monday, January 17, 2011

The Section: Scribbles from a Notpad

"it Happened again... If my memory serves me right, it has been two months since the Last dream, or since she pushed me away. my memory of the dream is blotchy, but i will do my best. my iPod seems to know how I feel as I ride the bus to school...

It seems that we were hanging out. it was a place that I am unfamiliar with. perhaps it was her town. there were many hills and rocky areas. we were with others, or there were others, I know this because we were on a field trip with friends. we went up stairs On a mountain together, alone. the path was narrow and steep. Left, Right, Straight then Right...

we finally made it to what seemed like the top. if facing the mountain, the plateau would have been around 60 feet up. it was also narrow, hugging the cliff face. Right oriented. there was around 3-4 feet of room coming out from the cliff face of path, when facing the cliff on the path, the stairs were to the right and the Left was unknown to me. she somehow put me in a tank of sorts. there was around 3 feet of height and 3 feet of depth, it was the same Length of the plateau,6ish feet. the tank had a small opening at the top, it was a vent of sorts, leading to the outside or something like a hive or nest. the take was made of glass, with a door to the right.

It was Locked. sitting inside, i looked at her, she was standing above me with an expression of hidden blank sadness. Like a deep depression was hiding inside of her. she Just stood there, watching me, and I asked what was going on. she didn't say anything. then. I looked at the vent and saw spiders coming out. at first it was only one. I freaked out and killed it with my fist. then more started coming out, too many to kill. I soon realized that I was trapped within my Own sorrow, fears drowning me. I started to kick at the door trying to break it open, but it would not budge. my mind laps through what i would have done, given I made it out. my plan was to kick open the door and Jump out into an embrace with her, me crying, her shocked.

I continued to kick but the spiders enveloped me. all hope was Lost, so I curled up an let them bite me. thoughts of me getting out and hugging her seemed so real, it Loosened the pain of the spider bites and venom. It seemed like I had started dreaming when I appeared to be back on the bus with her. maybe I had died? we were hanging out again, in a narrow place again. I cant remember where, but there were no spiders and we were both happy, so my location did not matter. all I can remember is picture like images from that moment, like selective memory or photographic memory. her smiling. I remember us then in a school like setting, together. That's all though. The moment I woke, I forgot the dream, While my friend showed up with coffee and a story. Just after he left the memories returned, thus, I write..."

This was hidden in my rarely used notepad. i wrote it out while on the city bus, trying not to forget anything. the details i listed of the location were judged by minds eye. it has been over two months since then and we talked twice in that time... i cant believe she casually responded to that question... baka...

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