Friday, September 3, 2010

the unconforming line ~

i hang up the phone and take a shower thinking towards the night that is tonight.
our promises, hopes and dreams, the things for what we have sight.
i get in my car and drive to your house where you wait so patiently,
for the ride of your life to arrive just on time and take you away blatantly.
you get in the car and we drive away, wondering where this forever will take us.
we make memories and share fantasies from times when we were young,
we make melodies and harmonies, we just cant stop having fun.
that special night after 7 years, i stop the car spontaneously.
you ask me what is wrong and i just turn to you and smile,
i say im just stopping to admire true beauty.
you giggle and smile and lean in for a kiss, that which i return,
i give you a hug and tell you those words that ring like sunday morning bells.
a few years later we have a home and are expecting our first born.
we joke around and remember the names we once recited to each other,
this life so perfect, so wonderfully made, all we can do is enjoy it.

the one thing this does not entail, the key part of the story,
the blood and tears, and sweat over the years that we shed to just simply enjoy it.
it was worth the pain and worth the sorrow, just to be with you, and a million times i would do it again, if i knew that i could have you, forever.

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