Saturday, August 28, 2010

With every moment i hear my thoughts, i think of her. like the air that fills my lungs she fills my mind and remains. my twisted perception thinking something is wrong, wanting it so much but pushing it away, the awkward moments are made.

"as i slowly fade into darkness, i am comfortable with never waking up."

they say that but the sun still rises and they will awake, on earth, or on judgments hill.

stand trial cowardly sinner, for you have done wrong and have hid from punishment. for this you will see that which you fear.

stand trial confident sinner, for you have done wrong and reassured yourself that it was alright. for this you will see your indiscretions ten fold.

stand trial wicked sinner, for you have knowingly wronged against me and derived pleasure from this. for this you shall be one with that you do and burn with the beast.

stand trial humble sinner, for you have sinned and confessed and asked for punishment one hundred fold. for this you shall see the light and my eternal glory.

sleep oh earth dwelling sinner, for you will continue to commit wrongs and the choice is yours. for i have given you the gift of eternity and you have the choice to refuse or accept it. sleep now, knowing your wrongs and repent of your sins. do not hide from the punishment you will surly receive but embrace it and glorify my name through the pain. for this you will see judgment and fall to your face and i shall pick you up on wings of an eagle and bring you into my kingdom.

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