Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fr gm nt t n

Likewise it has been said, thou who seek wisdom by means on earth shall remain infantile. Therefor I say to thee, who else to seek wisdom from than the father? For he who humbles himself before the Lord is a wise man.

Have you ever been to a point where stress just keeps building? seemingly nothing will rid your mind of this constant rage, almost like you want to destroy the expectations that others have places on you.

The 'need' to rebel is set in the mind of most youth. As the embarking generation of the century, we feel that change is in order and we know what that change has to be.

Remember that not all things have changed. Moral values are best formed from experience and understanding. So, before you cuss out your parent, guardian or teacher for being stupid, ask them what is the highest of all their moral values, you may learn something neat.

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