Friday, July 23, 2010

when dreams coem and go, can we really go with the flow?

when all you are gets crushed, what do you have but God? your life long aspirations called a mere escape, a ploy "when will you stop dreaming and think realistically" is what they say. you might as well have lived alone all these years since your so called family forgot you a long time ago. its makes blood boil and tempers flare, yet i remain calm? what is a good heart good for if it cant do anything? answer: display. am i just a freak to be watched and played with? if so play as much as you can because i am flying away. take these broken wings and learn to fly, fly blackbird fly.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

dreams come and go, but do we know why?

i had a dream... i lost a very good friend of mine... she was forsaken by her family and she was injured... i started from her house asking of her whereabouts. they did not know, but all there was to find her was a trail of her blood. every minute was horror. i followed the thin worn out drops of blood for hours, through the apartment. it led outdoors, through a beaten path, to a rushing lake... there were goons there... i jumped over them but landed in the water... there was a voice... it told me that i should give up. as i was heading towards a steel gate in the waterway it told me to be as straight as possible because the gate would kill me otherwise... i listened and slipped though... i went back up to the goons to follow the trail of blood. i kicked one of them in the face and continued to run behind a building and around them... i regained the blood trail.. it lead through the bush and across a cement pillar over the waterway... it lead to an abandoned house, and into that houses crawl space... i followed the blood through a very cramped passage and to a small vent... it was to small to fit in and was shut off.. i knew because the voice told me... i continued though the passage until i came back out in the main area... the blood had now crossed paths and it was hard to tell what trail led to what.... i looked down and cried... then woke up with a fever in a boiling sweat... i wanted to go back.. i wanted to find her... help her... save her... but i couldn't... it was imposable... the thought made me tear up... so i lay in my bed alone and cold..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"i give my men hope, and keep none for myself."

as i enter this place, this thing, where i do not wish to call home, all i can think is that it is broken. a great palace once majestic and free, now consumed by darkness to leave me in a 24" by 40" abode. by the worlds standards i am rich. i have known this since young and will until death, "the richest people are the saddest." i unlock the two chamber doors and take off my shoes - its dark, and lonely. i turn on the light to feel like there is something that i still love in this place, there is little.

i think in my head over and over, im so happy that it was me that must suffer this pain so that the other could live normally. i miss my home, i miss my bed, i miss my long waits to get into the washroom because my sister hogged that area, i miss my sister, i miss my mother without booze, i miss my best friend josh, i miss my bike that i rode to the park, i miss the green grass and the tall trees, i miss my father that i never knew, i miss not playing catch with him and going fishing with him, i miss the home cooked meals, i miss the sweet taste of love in every bite, i miss the comfort of knowing i am loved, i miss the comfort of knowing i have something or someone to protect, i miss myself and the times before this mess, but im glad, that the pain now i can give to god.

as i sit and type, tears fall to the keyboard, my palm still tender from the trials and my head longing for its pillow. i feel free yet confined for i understand only that i will wake up tomorrow and waist another day, not of my will, but that of what the world wills. i miss the happy birthdays and the merry christmas's. i miss my grandmother and grandfather, i miss not knowing so much, i miss not being able to do so much, i miss being futile and useless.

but i dont hold onto them. no, i only imagine them in my dreams so i can be free once in a while. free from my sin, free from my mistake, free from myself.

i sit in the courtroom and point out the one who assaulted me, i lay on the grass bloody, saying that i was a good boy, i lay in the tub with an inch of water thinking "what did i do wrong?". i sit back, take another hit of pot, and chuckle. i think it is stupid that this kid writes on a blog. he should get a life and stop being a fag. i take another line of devil powder, i fall back into my chair laughing. i cut the phrase "love hurts" into my arm knowing it is the only place it will not be seen with this hoodie. i sit on my bed and wonder why they are getting drunk, i wonder why they are abusive. i lay in the hospital bed of a psych ward, wondering if i am mentally sane. i sit in my chair crying, writing on my blog. i go to sleep, whats next lord?